The Problem of Categorization of the Geopolitical Status of the State in Modern Geopolitics
The following paper represents the review of the geopolitical status of the state as a category of geopolitics. The author introduces the comprehension dynamics of the geopolitical status of the state in the theories of classical geopolitics and modern researchers. The paper emphasizes the difficulties in categorizing the geopolitical status of the state as a subject of power distribution/redistribution, its resources and functions in the multidimensional geopolitical space. The concept of ‘geopolitical status of the state’ is clarified through an analysis of related concepts of ‘social status’, ‘legal status’, ‘political status’, as well as operationalization of the notion of ‘geopolitical space’. The author remarks with regard to the geopolitical status of the state, on the one hand, it structurally regulates the role configuration of the world order and allows the states to participate more effectively in the global competition. At the same time, on the other hand, it is often used as a manipulative technology in fixing the asymmetry of power relations between states in the ‘dominance – subordination’ format, as well as a technology of geopolitical stigmatization of states in their subjective marginalization.

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