Digital Society Transformation as a Sustainable Development Goal: Global Problems and Challenges of the Present
This paper aims to comprehend both the theoretical and practical aspects of studying society's digital transformation as a sustainable development goal within the context of global problems and challenges of modernity. The research objectives are as follows: 1) to review the role and significance of digital technologies in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic and in achieving sustainable development; 2) to identify digital transformation as an innovative approach to solving the problems associated with sustainable development; 3) to analyze the issue of digital divide as a global economic and social challenge; 4) to develop guidelines for enhancing the efficiency of innovative digital transformation systems.
Currently, numerous studies have explored the connection between digital technologies and sustainable development. Digital technologies such as smartphones, the Internet, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and others have the potential to contribute to the implementation of the SDGs. In this study, we refer to articles by R. Andriukaitiene, V. Voronkova et al. (2020), O. Kyvliuk (2014), M. Lepskiy (2022), O. Maltsev (2020), V. Nikitenko et al. (2019, 2021), R. Oleksenko and O. Punchenko.

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