They and Us: Psychology of ‘Ndrangheta Members
The age-old operations of criminal organizations like 'Ndrangheta are progressively infiltrating global economic, political, financial, and societal structures. The worldwide reach of 'Ndrangheta across all facets of existence is deeply unsettling to those even marginally acquainted with its history and undertakings. 'Ndrangheta has been a subject of scholarly investigation for many years, frequently dominating headlines in prominent newspapers. Notwithstanding, 'Ndrangheta fundamentally embodies an exceptionally ancient and archaic community, characterized by a remarkably robust structure and ideology, complete with its own regulations, symbolism, and way of life. Concurrently, it constitutes a dynamic entity that extends globally and adapts in accordance with various economic, political, and other circumstances. No nation worldwide has thus far succeeded in effectively addressing this phenomenon. However, delving into the mindset of the individuals within the 'Ndrangheta, scrutinizing their psychology and ideology, presents an alternate, potentially more efficacious approach to comprehending their mindset and actions. This article explores the core psychological and philosophical traits of the Calabrian subculture, which have endured unchanged for over a century, serving as effective paradigms for the educational, behavioral, operational, and lifestyle aspects of this criminal subculture.

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