Political Crimes: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of The Problem
The article discusses one of the types of crimes, specifically political crimes. It emphasizes that the research remains relevant and significant in democratic countries. While conditions have been created in such countries to reduce the factors that lead to political crimes, the occurrence of such crimes has not been completely eliminated. The study aims to clarify the characteristics of contemporary political crimes. The author points out that despite the long history of research into this phenomenon, there is still no universally accepted definition for the concept of "political crime." In most definitions of political crime, these crimes are typically associated with the pursuit, maintenance, and use of power. The article focuses on the main issues that currently pique the interest of researchers analyzing political crimes, and it presents a classification based on the subjects and objects of these crimes.
Studying both the individuals who commit political crimes and their victims is crucial to understanding the specificities of these crimes. The article draws attention to the fact that labeling actions within the political sphere as "criminal" is contingent upon various factors, including systems of values, established norms and regulations, societal norms, and the influence of media on public awareness. Trust in authorities and their legitimacy also plays a role. Furthermore, the article presents models that demonstrate shifts in attitudes towards revolutions, uprisings, and the reassessment of actions that were once considered "criminal." These shifts can be attributed to changes in the political and social systems. The author highlights that these alterations could be linked to transformations in the political and social systems.

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