The Research Concept of "Matrix of Life"


Dr. Oleg Maltsev


This article represents the culmination of the author's scholarly, practical, and epistemological comprehension of the research concept known as the "matrix of religions," which was initially presented in December 2020 at the Memory Institute by Dr. Oleg Maltsev, an academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a Doctor of Philosophy. The article serves as a reflection of the scientific and practical analysis conducted on the heuristic model of the "matrix of religions." This model has provided valuable insights into the sources and motivations underlying an individual's quest for their life path. The primary focus of this article is the formulation of the life quest, with specific attention to the categories of the "Russian and American quest." The outcomes of this research endeavor are the heuristic models and frameworks that aid in comprehending the essence, distinct characteristics, and obstacles encountered by individuals embarking on a significant quest in the 21st century.



Author Biography

Dr. Oleg Maltsev, European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Oleg Maltsev is an author, scientist, criminologist, psychologist, photographer, and investigative journalist. He is the head of the Memory Institute, named after Grigory Semenovich Popov, and the author of groundbreaking scholarly works in criminology, psychology, and philosophy. He is a presidium member and academic member at the European Academy of Sciences in Ukraine (EUASU). He has been engaged in scholarly work for nearly 30 years and has conducted field research with the Expeditionary Corps of the Memory Institute, for a decade. This comparative international research explores the reasons why different nations and rulers attained power throughout history, with an emphasis on culture, military and scientific technique, and mentality. His recent work in English language is Jean Baudrillard, Maestro: The Last Prophet of Europe co-authored together with Dr. Lucien-Samir Oulahbib.


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