Expertise of Digital Reality as a Factor of Achieving Society Stability Under Stochastic Conditions (Uncertainty, Instability, Bifurcation)
Since we all live in a complex, interconnected, and interdependent world, in which the volumes of exponential information growth are increasing; since many leaders realize they are operating under conditions of stochasticity and uncertainty, the relevance of the analyzed problem remains extremely significant. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize the study of digital reality in matters of stochastic ambiguity based on system methodology and computer modeling. This conceptual and categorical apparatus aims to expose digital reality as a social phenomenon and a dynamic process. The principal approach to the research problem is a synergetic methodology that includes methods of consistency, structuredness, reasoning, and makes it credible to unveil the essence of the analysis of digital reality as a factor in achieving societal stability in circumstances of stochasticity, which is an integral process.
The article demonstrates that through the ability to predict, mistakes can be avoided, success can be achieved, and the prosperity of organizations can be multiplied. The article explains that the synergetic methodology, as a methodology of complexity, meets the conditions of globalization 4.0, Industry 4.0, technological progress 4.0, digital society, Enlightenment 2.0, and Agile management. It is for these complex requirements that a synergistic complexity methodology can be applied.
The materials presented in the article hold practical value for experts, scientists, and leaders. Implementation of this expertise will benefit society, the state, international partners, and future generations by promoting sustainable growth. The practical significance of the article lies in solving the problems of acquiring a conceptual framework for analyzing digital reality as a factor in achieving the efficiency and sustainability of society in circumstances of stochasticity. This approach enables the formulation of national, regional, local, and other indicators of sustainability and contributes to overcoming crises. All indicators mentioned can be manifested in absolute and relative dimensions, including indicators in the social sphere, such as health status, quality of life, social activity, demographics, and others.

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