‘Ndrangheta has no crisis
evident in its potential to cause serious consequences for society, the economy, and the population's psyche. Conversely, the most profound changes often emerge due to unforeseen circumstances that compel people to radically redefine their lifestyles. In such cases, we could potentially derive benefits from a serious situation to formulate future plans and adaptive work strategies.
However, given recent events including the uncontrolled spread of the epidemic, the artificial escalation of panic, widespread quarantine measures, and other repercussions, one might expect chaos, crisis, and panic to prevail in many European countries. Italy, especially, should be susceptible to such issues as it held a prominent position in the COVID-19 incidence rankings for a considerable period.
Nevertheless, there exist regions and individuals that remain impervious to crisis; their adaptability to any conditions is a skill honed over a prolonged duration. This article delves into the factors contributing to the relatively lower panic and epidemic spread in the southern Italian region of Calabria, specifically examining the role of the criminal subculture known as ‘Ndrangheta. The study analyzes its business and organizational model, which has demonstrated its effectiveness to date and exhibited adaptability to modern lifestyles and changes.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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