What Is Antisemitism and Why Does It Continue to Exist?
Antisemitism is often regarded as a peculiar expression of xenophobia, the natural hostility towards those perceived as outsiders. However, this article argues that xenophobia is a modern construct rooted in historical and ideological developments rather than instinctual human or animal behavior. Antisemitism precedes xenophobia by two millennia and therefore cannot be the latter’s expression. The article explores the unique characteristics of antisemitism, its persistent presence in human societies, and its intersection with nationalism. It is composed by the editors out of passages from Liah Greenfeld’s essay Antisemitism as a Civilizational Phenomenon: An Analytical Essay, the winner of the 2024 Bernard Lewis Prize, and quotations from the interview with the author.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.61439/ABYI4823
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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